陈文沅,物理学博士,硕士生导师,湖南师范大学博士后,入选湖南省“科技创新类湖湘青年英才”,“2022年度中国博士后资助者选介”。主要研究方向为冷冻电镜噬菌体非对称重构方法学及其应用研究。主持和作为骨干成员参与国家自然科学基金,湖南省科技计划等项目多项。在国际权威杂志Science,Nature Communications,PNAS,Protein and Cell等期刊上发表研究论文10余篇。
1.Chen Wenyuan, Xiao Hao, Wang Li, Wang Xurong, Tan Zhixue, Han Zhen, Li Xiaowu, Yang Fan, Liu Zhonghua, Song Jingdong*, Liu Hongrong*, Cheng Lingpeng*. Structural changes in bacteriophage T7 upon receptor-induced genome ejection.PNAS.2021; 118 (37): e2102003118.
2.Wenyuan Chen, Hao Xiao, Xurong Wang, Shuanglin Song, Zhen Han, Xiaowu Li, Fan Yang, Li Wang, Jingdong Song*, Hongrong Liu*, Lingpeng Cheng*,Structural changes of a bacteriophage upon DNA packaging and maturation,Protein & Cell. 11(2020) pp. 374–379.
3. Jing Zheng, Hao Xiao, Hao Pang, Li Wang, Jingdong Song,Wenyuan Chen*, Lingpeng Cheng*, and Hongrong Liu*, Conformational changes in and translocation of small proteins: insights into the ejection mechanism of podophages,Journal of Virology. 2025, 99(1): e0124924.
4. Jing Zheng,Wenyuan Chen, Hao Xiao, Fan Yang, Jingdong Song, Lingpeng Cheng*, and Hongrong Liu*, Asymmetric Structure of Podophage GP4 Reveals a Novel Architecture of Three Types of Tail Fibers,Journal of Molecular Biology.2023, 435: 168258.
5. Xiao Hao, Zhou Junquan, Yang Fan, Liu Zheng, Song Jingdong,Chen Wenyuan*, Liu Hongrong*, Cheng Lingpeng*. Assembly and Capsid Expansion Mechanism of Bacteriophage P22 Revealed by High-Resolution Cryo-EM Structures.Viruses. 2023; 15(2):355.
6. Hao Xiao#, Le Tan#, Zhixue Tan#, Yewei Zhang,Wenyuan Chen, Xiaowu Li, Jingdong Song*, Lingpeng Cheng*, and Hongrong Liu*, Structure of the siphophage neck–Tail complex suggests that conserved tail tip proteins facilitate receptor binding and tail assembly,PLOS Biology. 2023, 21: e3002441.
7. Jing Zheng,Wenyuan Chen, Hao Xiao, Fan Yang, Xiaowu Li, Jingdong Song and Lingpeng Cheng*, Hongrong Liu*. A capsid structure ofRalstonia solanacearum podoviridaeGP4 witha triangulation number T = 9.Viruses. 2022; 14(11):2431.
8. Nan Wang,Wenyuan Chen, Ling Zhu, Dongjie Zhu, Rui Feng, Jialing Wang, Bin Zhu, Xinzheng Zhang, Xiaoqing Chen, Xianjie Liu, Runbin Yan, Dongyao Ni, Grace Guoying Zhou, Hongrong Liu*, Zihe Rao*, Xiangxi Wang*, Structures of the portal vertex reveal essential protein-protein interactions for Herpesvirus assembly and maturation,Protein & Cell.11(2020) pp. 366–373.
9. Xiaowu Li, Li Wang, Xurong Wang,Wenyuan Chen, Tao Yang, Jingdong Song, Hongrong Liu, Lingpeng Cheng, Structure of RdRps within a transcribing dsDNA virus provides insights into the mechanisms of RNA synthesis,Journal of Molecular Biology. 432(2020) pp. 358-366.
10. Jialing Wang, Shuai Yuan, Dongjie Zhu, Hao Tang, Nan Wang,Wenyuan Chen, Qiang Gao, Yuhua Li, Junzhi Wang, Hongrong Liu*, Zihe Rao*, Xiangxi Wang*, Structure of the herpes simplex virus type 2 C-capsid with capsid-vertex-specific component,Nature Communications.9(2018) DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-06078-4.
11. Shuai Yuan, Jialing Wang, Dongjie Zhu, Nan Wang, Qiang Gao,Wenyuan Chen, Hao Tang, Junzhi Wang, Xinzheng Zhang*, Hongrong Liu*, Zihe Rao*, Xiangxi Wang*, Cryo-EM structure of a herpesvirus capsid at 3.1 angstrom,Science.360(2018) pp. 48-+.